Their Sweetest Love — Mya

On July 9th, Mya returns with a new release and she has a special sneak peek for you to read below.

Welcome to a Tennesse Love Tasting: BLP Style!

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony,” Pastor Holloway spoke with a powerful tone.

Staring into the eyes of the man I was ready to spend forever with had my eyes misty with unshed tears. I knew I would cry in this moment because I’d been crying all month leading up to the day I would be tying the knot with a man I’d happily run off into the sunset with.

Corey and I had been together for five years. Today, on our anniversary, I’d be transitioning from fiancée to wife. He was my first love, my first kiss, my first time. He was the only man I’d ever known in this capacity, and I was ready to experience life as his wife. In addition to wife, I hoped one day I’d be able to mother his children.

His deep, honey brown eyes peered into mine. His pearly white teeth were exposed behind lips the color of punch. His smooth, beige skin was blemish free and his hair was immaculately styled into a fade so crisp it was like it was sculpted by God himself. The tan suit with red accents complimented his skin perfectly. He was flawless. He was mine.

Our hands were grasped together as we stood before our family and friends ready to make our union real in the house of the Lord. His thumb lightly brushed the back of my hand, soothing me in the subtle way he knew how. Corey would always find a way to ease my mind.

“As we gather today to celebrate the love of these two beautiful souls, we acknowledge the journey the two of them took to share this moment today,” Pastor Holloway announced. “Before we join these two in holy matrimony, I want to open the floor to anyone who might have an objection to this union. Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

Silence washed over the crowd as my eyes never left the love of my life. Everyone in both of our lives were so excited to know Corey was ready to tie the knot.

Nothing in my life had ever felt so right, so perfect, so real.


“I object!”

The front doors of the church swung open and a woman with a belly as big as a Texas sized watermelon waddled down the hall, tugging along a child no older than two years old. The smile which was once permanently painted on my face fell like Humpty Dumpty on that wall. My eyes remained on the miniature version of Corey who was timidly following his mother who was quickly stalking toward us. My hands dropped down to my side as reality set in that today, I would not be getting married.

“I object,” she repeated in a breathless shout.

Chatter broke out amongst the attendees as I felt my heart stop. The organ within my chest was on the verge of shattering like one of Grandma’s special China dolls. I knew if my heart was sitting on the banister, a hardheaded grandchild would carelessly knock it down and watch it break into a million tiny glass shards. This pregnant woman was the bad ass child in question.

“Corey, who is she?” I asked as my eyes turned back to my so-called soon-to-be husband.

“She’s um she’s um…” Corey rubbed the back of his as he stuttered.

“Who. Is. She?” I asked through gritted teeth. My lips were a tight, thin line as I looked at him with pure disgust.

“I’m the mother of his kids.” The unknown woman released the hand of the toddler who eagerly ran to Corey and lifted his hands up.

“Daddy, up.” He opened and closed his hands impatiently waiting for my fiancé to pick him up.

Daddy, up…


The tears came.

My vision blurred.

My throat burned.

My body ached.

My heart… dear God, my heart…

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