Happy one month anniversary to -- Stealing A Goon's Heart!
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Have you read Stealing A Goon’s Heart by Tatum James? If not, check out the audio commercial below and purchase here!
Have you read Saint’s Redemption by Mya? If not, check out the audio commercial below and purchase here!
Have you read Addicted to a Thug by Compton Carlotta? If now, check out the audio commercial below and purchase here!
Dakari Bentley
My mind wandered as I sat outside my basketball coach’s office, waiting to meet with him. Whenever my mind wasn’t occupied, it went back to the day my life changed. It had been almost seven years, but it seemed like yesterday.
“Evan, you promised!” I heard my mother shout as I approached our front door.
It was nearing the end of spring, and the temperature in Onyx City was in the low eighties. My mother loved the fresh air, so instead of using the central air conditioning, she opened all the windows in the house and turned on the ceiling fans, which was why I could hear my parents arguing before I made it to the front door.
“Shut the fuck up,” my father spat.
I frantically searched for my keys in my gym bag and unlocked the door as I listened to my mother’s screams. Although our father didn’t put his hands on her in front of me and my brother anymore, we knew he still beat her when we weren’t around.
When I turned the key and tried to push the door open, it stopped short. I shook my head and pressed my lips together in anger when I realized the door was secured by the chain. My anxiety increased every time I heard my mother’s screams, a loud bump, and furniture scraping the floor.
“Please, Evan,” my mother pleaded.
“Beggin’ won’t help you now, bitch. I warned you this would happen if you fucked up!” my father yelled angrily.
“I did what you said. I—”
“I said shut the fuck up!”
More screams from my mother had me using all of my strength to break the door down with my shoulder. It took a few tries, but eventually, the chain broke, and the door swung open. I snapped when I saw my father straddling my mother and punching her in the face.
Without warning, I used both hands to grab the back of his shirt, pulled him away from her, then slammed him to the floor. He was surprised, but the shit-talking started when he realized it was me.
“Lil nigga, you betta watch who the fuck you put your hands on. Do you know who I am?”
He stood to his feet and lunged toward me. It had been a long time since Evan Bentley tried to beat my ass. I’d grown at least ten inches and put on about forty pounds since then.
“Yeah, I know exactly who your bitch ass is,” I spat as I stepped to the side, causing him to run into the wall.
I glanced at my mother, whose face was already swollen, with black and blue bruises around her eyes and blood dripping from her mouth. Something in me snapped, and I was ready to go to war with this nigga.
“What the fuck did you say to me?” my father questioned.
Because my attention was briefly focused on my mother, I wasn’t prepared when my father swung. His fist landed on my cheek, but it didn’t faze me. I’d wanted to beat his ass for years, and today was the day it would happen. When he realized I was with the shits and not backing down, he tried to appear tough, but I could see the fear in his eyes.
“You tryin’ to fight me, lil nigga?” he questioned, raising his fist.
“Ain’t that what you want? You can’t seem to keep your hands off my mama. If you wanna fight, fight me.”
“Boy, I’ll beat ya ass just like I beat ya mama’s.”
He swung again, but I smacked his fist away this time and punched him in his mouth.
“Argh!” he groaned.
Not allowing him time to gather himself, I started beating his ass like he was a nigga on the street. I could faintly hear my mother screaming in the background, telling me to stop.
I blacked out, and the next thing I remember was being handcuffed and shoved into the back of a police car.
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Have you read Love Me Some You by Mycah Edwards? If not, check out the audio commercial below and purchase here!
Have you read Majority Rules by B. Love yet? If not, check out the audio commercial below and purchase here!
“Spend the night with me.”
My hand resting on his leg was quickly snatched back.
Over the last few hours, I’d talked, laughed, and got real comfortable with a stranger. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel like a stranger. In fact, it felt like I’d known him for years, even without knowing his name.
He made me forget why I’d initially come to the bar and tried to drink my troubles away. Not to mention he was very easy on the eyes. He wore his dark brown locs in a low ponytail at the nape of his neck. He sported a pair of black glasses, giving him a sophisticated look.
He had a lean build, but the muscles in his arms were defined. The blue shirt he wore over his nutmeg-colored skin put his multiple arm tattoos on display. And the stud earring he wore in his ear set off his edgy but educated look. He was handsome as hell. The thought to fuck him crossed my mind a few times over the last few hours, but I wasn’t going to. At least not until he requested me to stay the night with him.
“You are crazy.” I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck.
He traced my jawline with one of his fingers. “Not crazy at all. I can see the sadness in your pretty ass eyes, and I want to be the one to relieve you of that, even if it’s only for one night or the whole weekend if you want it to be. Afterward, if you don’t want anything to do with me, I’ll respect that. Don’t overthink it; just go with the flow.”
Dark brown eyes peered into mine.
It was easy for him to say go with the flow, but for me, it wasn’t. He could be a killer for all I knew. I didn’t get killer vibes from him, but one could never be too sure.
Was I crazy enough to go home with him, though? I wasn’t too sure about that.
Something about him felt familiar even though we’d never met before.
“Hold on.” I paused to sip my water because my throat had suddenly become dry. “You want to spend the night, or possibly the weekend with me, but you don’t even know my name.”
For hours, we chatted but never exchanged names. It made me think this wasn’t the first time he propositioned a woman to spend the night with him without finding out her name.
“You are absolutely right.” He stretched his hand toward me. “My apologies. I should have asked sooner, especially before asking you to spend more time with me. Can you tell me your name now, beautiful?” He hit me with a crooked smile that had me gushing in my panties over the last few hours.
I placed my hand in his. “Love.”
His smile spread even wider. “Mon amour, I’m Aries,” he said before placing a tender kiss on the back of my hand.
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Hey, Readers!
Here is our second batch of commercials for this month’s releases. Missed the first batch? Click here!
The Pleasure Package — Out Today!
A Delicious Touch — Out Now!
A Brewing Storm — Out Now!
The Burial of a Player — Out Now!
Addicted to a Thug — Out Now!
Let us know in a comment how many of these books you’ve already read, and what’s next on your TBR list!
“Hey, you wanna come inside for a little while?”
With delight plastered across his handsome face, Keno casually spun her way. “I thought you’d never ask.”
He followed her into her home, and she stopped in the living room. “Just so you know, I don’t have sex on the first date.”
He sat on the couch. “That’s fine because I don’t expect sex on the first date. Plus, this is technically our second date.” He grinned.
“Real funny. But I don’t have sex on the second date either.”
“I just wanna be clear on my intentions for inviting you in.”
He lifted his hands in surrender. “We’re all clear.”
“Good. Now, would you like something to drink?” She sauntered over to the kitchen.
“I was thinking you could provide me with something sweet,” he told her while walking her way. He gazed with seductive eyes and slightly parted lips.
Kadence stammered. “You’re already starting off on the wrong foot, Keno.”
“What?” He chuckled. “Nah, I meant dessert. What did you think I was talking about?”
She shook her head. “Nothing.”
“You said you would work it out for me and replace my desserts so, work it out.”
She scrunched up her face and squinted. “You’re lucky I like you,” she told him as she grabbed dough from the fridge and put on her apron. “And that I have some stuff prepped.”
“That’s not luck. That’s destiny.”
“You say it like you manifested this or something.”
He fell silent and her head snapped in his direction. “Would it throw you off if I told you I did?” Her movements slowed and her expression was abstruse. “I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable—”
“I’m not uncomfortable,” she interrupted. “I mean, I am a little bit, I guess. But not in a bad way. Your directness is… new for me.”
“That’s just how I am. You’ll get used to it.”
“There you go again.” Her lashes fluttered and she pursed her lips.
“What?” He smiled, showing off his pearly whites.
“You love talking like you’re gonna be around for awhile.”
“Because I plan to be around for awhile. I wasn’t joking about manifesting this. I asked the Universe to send me what I needed and for me to be prepared to receive it.”
“And what did the Universe deliver?”
She gasped and for a moment, it felt like there was no air in the room. As he filled the space between them, her breathing steadied. When he touched her hand, she exhaled loudly.
“I’m ready to receive you,” he told her. “I need to know what you’re ready for.”
“It feels too soon to say what I feel.”
“Let’s forget about time. We don’t know how much of it we have to let it pass us by.” She turned away. “I want you to look at me, Kadence.”
Her eyes shut, then they popped open and landed on him. “It’s too much too soon.”
“Then tell me how much you’re ready for right now or tell me to pull back.”
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My gaze swept my office before landing on the window that faced the other employees. Reese Webster stepped into my view, and I licked my lips involuntarily. Leaning forward, the thought of having her to myself crossed my mind.
I frowned because I was unsure of where the thought came from.
Never in my thirty-four years on the earth had I looked at another woman and felt I needed her. My mother leaving me and my father behind taught me a long time ago that I didn’t need anyone. Yet, Miss Webster’s presence had me in a chokehold. She left her office for the kitchen, and I could no longer keep my distance. I hopped out of my chair and left my office, smiling at several people as I approached the kitchen.
I stepped into the kitchen and smiled.
“I see we meet—”
“Shit, Reese! Look at this plate. Now you’re going to have these people thinking you’re a pig.” I watched as Reese chewed on her bottom lip. “Well, you can’t put it back…” She paused again before speaking. “Hmm, a napkin to cover the plate so no one can see.”
That thought caused a smile to spread across her face and brought one to mine as well.
“You shouldn’t care what strangers think of you.”
Reese spun on her heels, hit the corner of the table, and jerked forward, almost losing control of her plate.
I stepped forward and caught her by her elbow. The touch was electric, and it caused me to drop my hand from her skin. We stared at each other. The air thinned, and my mind became dizzy. My brows dipped in confusion because I couldn’t comprehend how this woman could affect me in this way. Part of me wanted to flee, but the other part wanted to draw closer to Reese Webster.
Laughter behind us snapped us out of whatever trance we found ourselves in.
“Where the hell did you come from?” Her hand flew to her mouth as if she hadn’t meant to curse. “You scared me,” she whispered.
I chuckled. “My apologies. I spoke when I came in, but you were a little occupied.”
I used my head to point to her napkin-covered plate.
She giggled and lifted the napkin. Reese looked over the food like she had no clue what she’d gotten. It was amusing that it was her way of avoiding eye contact with me.
I cleared my throat, and her head snapped up and our eyes connected.
“Oh, I didn’t mean to get so much. It all looked good, and before I knew it, I had one of everything.”
She set her plate down as if she’d been caught doing something bad.
“You don’t have to explain your appetite to me, beautiful. If you’re hungry, eat. That’s what I do, so you shouldn’t feel bad about doing the same.”
Reese stared at me briefly before cocking her head to the side.
My comment wasn’t meant to be erotic, but the change in her breathing couldn’t be missed. I was sure she was unaware, but her head tilted to the left a little more, and her eyes squinted as she stared. It was as if her brain was trying to dissect my words. I smiled to disarm her, but a puff of air slipped between her parted lips, causing my body to react. Reese licked her lips, and her eyes left my face and scanned my body.
She wrung her hands and I moved around her so I was closer to the food.
“What are you going to eat?” she asked, attempting to look over my arm.
I hadn’t noticed her moving closer until I felt her body heat.
“I always start with something sweet then move toward savory.”
I looked over my shoulder to find her eyes on me instead of the food.
Holding her stare had my body responding to the lust in her eyes. Her nut-colored brown eyes told a story that I wouldn’t mind acting out. I needed to keep my distance, but I knew I wouldn’t.
Unable to stop myself, I stepped closer, but Jade from accounting stepped into the kitchen, bringing us back to reality.
“Well, nice running into you.”
Reese left the kitchen like it was on fire, and all I could do was laugh.
“It definitely won’t be the last time,” I muttered.
A car as expensive as the one Claudia owned shouldn’t have broken down on her the way it did. He wondered if she’d forgotten to fill it with gas. The passenger side chair sloshed when Claudia took a seat. He took in her disheveled look and did his best to hold in his laughter.
She turned and glared at him. Malik didn’t break eye contact. Besides, he wasn’t responsible for her wet clothes or her stranded vehicle. This was her karma, and he was quite tickled with the sudden turn of events.
He cautiously pulled his truck back onto the road as a fierce clap of thunder ripped through the sky, almost simultaneously with a bright flash of light.
“The storm is close. We better get off this road.”
“Take me home!”
Malik shook his head again. Couldn’t the damn woman hear? They were in danger if they continued on their current route. Couldn’t she see? There was no way she missed the sight of lightning and the increased downpour of rain.
Malik continued toward Claudia Butner’s half-million-dollar estate. Out of the corner of his eye, he noted her tremble because of her dampened clothes and the unforgiving wind. Malik’s vehicle didn’t have doors on the side, and the more they drove, the more Claudia shivered.
He also didn’t miss the thick ringlets of her natural hair. They hung around her head like a halo. She looked innocent with her hair that way. He reached behind him toward the back seat.
“What are you doing? Focus on the road!” she shouted. He wondered if she was always this bitchy or if maybe she was afraid of the storm and that caused her to kick it up a notch.
He retrieved what he’d extended his long arm for, and a hush settled over her endless complaints. Malik tossed her one of his hooded sweatshirts. She held it for long moments before she finally had the good sense to thank him.
“Thank you.”
“I’m sorry, what!” he yelled. His voice taunted her, and she fought back a smile.
“I said thank you!” She lifted the all-black hoodie over her head and inhaled his masculine scent. Malik’s essence and a bit of his cologne clung to the shirt and embraced Claudia’s body like a warm hug. Her shivers ceased and she relaxed, as much as possible, against the back of the seat.
“What’s a hood body brief?” she asked.
Malik continued to weave the vehicle through darkened roads, illuminated only by the momentary flashes of lightning. He gazed over at her and then back at the road.
“Is this some sort of gang?” Claudia smirked like she was pleased with herself and nearly flew forward when he slammed on the brakes.
“Shut up.”
“Excuse me?” Claudia couldn’t believe the way he’d spoken to her. He needed to get her home before the storm got worse.
“You’re in my ride. You broke down, remember? I’m taking you home because my Yaya would kick my ass if I left you unprotected and in the dark the way you were.”
“What’s a Ya—” Her voice was mocking like he hadn’t spoken a word of English.
“My grandmother. Everything you say to me drips with judgment and entitlement.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but slow paced or not, Malik wasn’t finished.
“Who hurt you?” He glared at her, and she could practically feel the steam coming from him.
She opened her mouth again, then closed it. What the hell was she supposed to say? Being a bitch was her defense mechanism. It was the only thing that protected her from a nervous breakdown after her divorce, and the only way she’d survived her family. But this wasn’t a therapy session. Bump him!
“It must be a gang,” she mumbled.
“Fuck you. It’s not a gang. For your information, Hood Body Briefs is the name for my clothing line.”
Claudia chuckled.
“The clothing line I intend to focus one hundred percent of my energy toward once I’ve saved a year's income. A goal you delayed when you got me fired, Ms. Butner.” Malik’s chest heaved with anger. “You know what? I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
He pulled his car off to the side of the road, splashing pockets of water when he did. Once his car was safely in park, he unbuckled his seat belt and stood.
“Get out.”
“What?” Claudia unbuckled her seat belt, too, but she had no intention of leaving his truck until he took her home. She scowled at him.
“I said get your ungrateful, nasty ass attitude out.” He seethed as he stared down at her. No one had ever gotten him worked up the way Claudia did. His chest visibly rose and fell as she frowned back up at him.
He closed the distance between them and grabbed her by the arm. Claudia’s breath caught. The rain continued to beat against the roof of the truck, but the air shifted between the two of them.
Malik pulled her closer and studied her hazelnut features. She’d gotten under his skin, and now all his body wanted was to kiss the scowl off her pouty lips. So, he did.
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Hey, book baes! Want to hear a few of our releases before they go live? Catch us here every Wednesday for a few quick teasers for upcoming releases!
Majority Rules:
For Major Tate, when it comes down to his six-year-old daughter, Majority rules. Ever since Ariel Majority Tate was born, every decision Major made revolved around her. More times than Major can count, Majority’s mother, Starr, has used that to her advantage. Major has never been the kind of man to intentionally hurt a woman, especially those he loves, and Starr takes advantage of that too. Their romantic relationship may be over, but Major’s commitment to his daughter and her mother has made it impossible for him to have a serious relationship. Both ladies have had him wrapped around their fingers, and it isn’t until Majority’s new nanny comes into the picture that Starr’s hold begins to unravel.
Denver Harris has one rule—never mix business with pleasure. No matter how many attractive single fathers she’s worked for, Denver has always had the power to resist… until she meets Major. Not only does Major provide chemistry, companionship, and a sentimental romance, but he also provides a little girl who steals Denver’s heart the first day they meet. There’s one person who stands in the way of their budding bond, though, and Starr has no plans of letting Denver take her place in Majority or Major’s life…
Saint’s Redemption:
As the youngest Barrett in the family, Saint was known as the wildcard. As the ultimate playboy, he found himself in bed with more women than a WNBA roster. While he was never actively in the street life, he profited from the benefits his brothers got from being in the business. Even though he was given more than enough money by his big brother to never have to lift a finger a day in his life, he chose to go to college and get a job doing what he loves—being the assistant director of a major food chain.
Music producer and fashion mogul, Avery Duval, was every man’s dream. She was smart, creative, and a freak in the sheets. She was a no-nonsense kind of woman with her mind only on elevating to the next level. After failed relationships, she’s hesitant to get back out into the dating pool.
When Saint and Avery cross paths, the chemistry is undeniable. They are both put outside of their comfort zones as they navigate through strong feelings and people not wanting them to get to their happily ever after. Will the haters prevail, or will Saint get his redemption?
Releasing May 9th, so get ready!
Releasing May 10th, so get ready!
Releasing May 19th, so get ready!
Let us know as a comment if you want more!
I gave him a brief tour of my apartment and ended with us in the studio. Saint’s eyes traveled around the cozy room with excitement. I could tell he hadn’t been in many home studios because he looked like a bad ass kid ready to touch everything. As his hand skirted across the piano, I knew if I didn’t intervene, he’d think he was Ray Charles and start tapping away.
“This is where all the magic happens.”
“This shit is so cool. Can you teach me how to play something?” His request was asked in the softest tone as if he were afraid of being told no.
I smiled before replying, “Sit down.”
Filled with innocent joy, he claimed a seat on the piano bench. I sat beside him and placed my hands on the keyboard. With a deep breath, I quickly played the melody and bass of the song. Skillfully, my fingers skirted across the keys with precision and familiarity. I could play this song in my sleep.
“Is that ‘My Girl’ by the Temptations?” Saint questioned as he watched me in awe. Seeing this side of him was amusing. He was too cute, trying to follow along.
“Yes.” I placed his hand on the keys. “Mimic what I do.” I placed my hands on the mirror keys and began reciting the notes. “G, CC, G, CC.”
“Like that?”
His tongue poked out slightly as he focused on the notes. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as I watched him hit the keys repeatedly. In such a vulnerable state of learning, all I could think about was sliding my pussy down his face and riding him until we both passed out.
Once he got that down, we moved on to the next portion of the song. “C2, D, E, A, G, C3, F.”
I repeated those keys until he got the melody down. We played both parts together, and finally, the all too familiar sound of the song filled the studio air. Once we’d finished, Saint peered over at me with his beautiful, captivating brown eyes.
“Thank you for teaching me that. Will I remember it later? Probably not. However, the shit was fun as hell for the time being.”
I bellowed out a deep laugh. “Boy! You’re so funny.”
“I’m serious,” he replied with a light chuckle. “You’re an amazing teacher. You ever thought about starting classes?”
I shook my head. “I’m not really the teaching type. I prefer a nice, relaxed studio with limited interactions from others. You’re actually the first person to ever touch my home studio keyboard.”
“So I’m special?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
I licked my lips. His eyes watched my tongue like a hawk. “Yeah.” My voice was barely audible as his gaze sent chills down my spine.
Leaning forward, Saint slid his hand behind my neck and gripped the area, firmly eliciting a gentle moan from my slightly parted lips. “How special am I, Avery?”
“V-very special.”
“Am I making you nervous?” he questioned.
“Duh. You’ve got your big ass hand on my neck with this sexy ass voice. I’m soaking through my panties right now.”
“Oh?” He raised an eyebrow. “Can I feel it?”
“You can do more than just feel it,” I replied hastily. “Please.”
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On January 24th, Tucora Monique returns with a new release and she has a special sneak peek for you to read below.
“Pop the trunk. Let me see what y’all came up with.”
My quick thinking was stifled by fear and by the time they popped the closure, I played possum.
Paralyzed in the fetal position, I damn near forgot it was okay for me to breathe.
“I know you didn’t kill this lady…”
Hmm, someone with some compassion.
“…And bring this broad to my house.”
Never mind.
“You said we needed to collect, so we snatched Joel’s bitch!”
Nigga. He wishes.
“I should’ve killed her ass. She started bustin’ and hit Grabba.”
The new presence released a low chuckle. “Is that why his ass is sitting in the car?”
“Yeah. He was only grazed but took something for the pain and been knocked out ever since.”
“And that’s how you end your night, Jude? Carrying two knocked out muthafuckas to my house. Grabba isn’t staying here. You better take that nigga back to the west side.” From his buttery voice, I was certain I didn’t know the man from Adam but could also hear the power in his tone although he wasn’t speaking loudly.
“Blitz. Take her to the third room upstairs—"” He abruptly stopped and even with my eyes closed, I knew he was look down at me. “On second thought, I don’t want her pissy ass messing up the sheets. Take her out back.”
Out back!
Gradually, I opened my eyes and was met with a clouded image of a large man. Without considering the consequences, I hoarsely spat, “Fuck you.”
“There she is,” the man cheered, sarcastically. “I knew that would wake yo’ ass up. I could tell by the way you were breathing and flinching, you weren’t knocked out. Get out the trunk.”
With no assistance, I struggled to do as he said. Using my time wisely, I glanced around at my surroundings. I knew I was still in Silk Hills because of the sweet smell of strawberry fields that lingered in the air. Based on the lack of homes close by and the dirt roads in place of sidewalks, it was easy to tell we were on the north side.
Once I abandoned the view of the scenery, I turned to the man who was passing out orders. It was hazy, but I could see the leader’s all-black attire, honey shaded complexion and frame bordered on beast mode as if I was looking through a microscope. The first thing that came to mind was he looked like Tyler Lepley. There were earrings in both of his ears and just like those, the shine on his wrist went against the midnight. The man stood with his hands cuffed in front of his body like he was guarding good dick and knew it.
Trying to find relief while being outside barefoot, I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. The rocks and jagged pavement under my feet irritated my skin and still, I upheld a straight face.
“Don’t hold in whatever you’re feeling,” he commented. “Scream. Cry. Whatever. Let that shit out, you won’t disturb a soul. Nobody can hear you.”
“Nobody needs to. I don’t know what any of this is about. Joel isn’t my boyfriend.”
He stepped in my face so fast, I nearly fell back into the trunk. “But you know that nigga. Well. He got your address listed on tax paper, DMV records. He has to be somebody to you.”
“H—h—he. W—w—ee. He’s not my man.” It was hard to find my words. The combination of the cold air, my hardly clothed body, and the six feet four presence towering over me made it hard to do anything except stand there shivering.
With a grin as smooth as the facial hair covering the lower half of his face, the slow-eyed leader grinned. Up close, I noticed a long scar on the left side of his face and on any other day, I’d be interested in knowing how he got it.
“Maybe you’ll be able to think more clearly after you spend a couple of days here.”
“What?” I shrieked, almost breathless at the thought. Too focused on the man in front of me, I didn’t pay attention to the one who crept up behind until I was holstered over his shoulder.
The man I assumed was the boss led us into a house I barely paid attention to and Blitz followed behind him with me beating a hole into his back.
“Put me down! You bastards can’t do this. I won’t fuck you clowns. You’ll have to kill me first—”
“And that’s not a fucking problem,” head nigga in charge barked. “Blitz, drop her ass.”
With no cushion to catch me, I hit the marble floor as I’d done the trunk.
Lowering himself so we were eye-level, the nameless man grimaced as he stared me down. “Nobody in this fucking house wants to fuck your pissy ass. Don’t take my kindness to mean I won’t cut out your fucking tongue.”
“Kindness?” I spat. “You’re trying to manipulate me by playing the nice guy.”
In a blink, his long fingers gripped the sides of my face. “I don’t have to manipulate shit. I could be cool as a cucumber and take your life because you put yourself in this fucking position. You finesse to get what you want. That’s not my style.”
When he released my cheeks but stayed in my face, I turned up my nose and refrain from caressing the tender area.
“You can’t keep me here.”
“Who is going to stop me, Finley?”
On January 25th, Monae Nicole returns with a new release and she has a special sneak peek for you to read below.
Before I could take a swig, Alyssa placed both of her hands on my face, pulled me closer to her, then kissed me on the lips. I could taste the champagne on her pouty lips. When her tongue slid in my mouth I completely lost control. I picked her up and carried her over to the nearest wall. Pinning her against it, we continued kissing as my hand found its way to her breasts. They were the perfect size to fit in the palm of my hand.
“Tre.” She moaned as I pinched her nipple. The heat emanating from the apex of her thighs was like an inferno.
I replaced my hand with my mouth, flicking my tongue over her nipple, causing her to buck against me.
“Mmm.” She moaned. My fingers were greeted by her wetness as my hand found its way into her shorts.
“Fuck Sunny, that shit is leaking.” I began to rub circles around her clit, then I stuck two fingers inside of her. I bit down on my lip when her pussy sucked my fingers in.
“Make me cum Tremaine.” She whined, rocking her hips against me.
I picked up the pace, in and out, feeling her tighten around my fingers.
“Give me that shit Lys.” I quieted her screams with a kiss as her essence coated my fingers.
When I felt as though she was done, I pulled my fingers out of her, let her legs down to the floor, and stuck my fingers in my mouth. Shit. She was the sweetest taste of sin. I would be in real trouble if we ever got any further than this.
“Damn.” She breathed out, once she came completely down from her orgasm.
“I gotta go.” I abruptly turned to walk away from her. The realization of what just happened hit me and I had to distance myself from her. I grabbed my shit and left before she got a chance to protest. I closed the door, making sure it was locked before heading out of her condo. Alyssa Thomas was off limits and I just completely crossed the line. Plus there was a side of me she knew nothing about and I wanted to keep it that way. Fuck. What have I gotten myself into?
On January 22nd, Queen Keishii returns with a new release and she has a special sneak peek for you to read below.
“I got supreme chicken pizza and mild wings. I left the boxes on the island in the kitchen,” my unconventional knight in tattooed armor remarked, taking a bite from a slice of pizza.
“Thank you,” I murmured and made my way to the kitchen.
I grabbed a slice of pizza and four wings. I grabbed one of the Fiji waters I could see from the clear glass fridge. I decided to sit on the floor across from him since the furniture was white and this food was pretty greasy. Music I wasn’t familiar with played through the Bose speakers situated around the room. I felt him staring at me, intensely but I refused to acknowledge it.
“So, you still not going to tell me why?” he would let this go.
“Why is it so important for you to know? It’s getting so annoying,” I rolled my eyes, though I had no right being annoyed with him.
“Fine. I won’t ask anymore. Word of advice, everybody ain’t out to get you. There gotta be something wrong up in that pretty head of yours to want to kill yourself. I can’t even believe I wasted my time trying to help you. You win, ma, I won’t speak to your ass no more.” True to his word, he finished his food and drink in silence.
I felt bad for pissing him off but I had to guard myself. I didn’t trust anyone. The wall I formed around me and my heart was my defense mechanism not to let another person take me for granted. I didn’t know my purpose in life due to all the heartache I’ve endured in my twenty-seven years on earth. There was no silver lining for me and there was no room for new acquaintances. Things were essentially better if I drew the line in the sand now, rather than later.
On January 21st, Kimberly Brown returns with a new release and she has a special sneak peek for you to read below.
“So…” I positioned myself on my back with my hand in my boxers. “What are you wearing?”
“A dress.”
“Let me see you.”
“You are so aggy!”
She let out an exasperated breath but I could see her getting up and moving around. She position the phone and then took a few steps back.
“Happy?” she asked, throwing her hands on her hips.
She had on this white wrap dress that beautifully exposed one of her thighs and hugged her curves perfectly. I licked my lips as I watched her turn around to give me a full three sixty view.
“Damn that looks good on you,” I moaned.
“Thank you.”
“Take it off.”
“Take it off Lavish.”
She hesitated for a moment, looking around the empty room nervously. Slowly she pulled at the sash holding it all together. I watched attentively as she slipped the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. Beneath she wore this sexy ass, purple lace bra and panty set.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I moaned stroking myself. “Take that off too.”
“Take. It. Off.”
I could see the arousal playing through her face. She reached behind her, unhooked the bra and tossed it to the floor. Her nipples were deliciously pebbled. She turned around and shimmied out of her thong and kicked it aside. When she turned to face me, she covered herself up with her hands.
“Move your hands baby,” I said.
She hesitated for a moment then removed them and came closer to the phone.
“Can I make you feel good Lavish?” I asked.
“You wanna have phone sex?”
“No. I want you to use your imagination and let me satisfy you. Trust me. Get on the bed.”
I could see the curiosity pique in her. If I couldn’t have her physically right now, I would have to do it mentally. The thing about mentally stimulating a woman sexually is she had free range to explore her body as she please but you still held the control. She was about to learn just that.
1. What can we expect from you?
“I’m going to let Malaysia answer that one.”
“Really, Dane?”
“I’m just saying. I’ll let you answer that one since you’re the one who knows what to expect from most.”
“I guess. Umm, you can always expect Dane to give it to you straight since he’s a no-nonsense guy. At the same time, he’s super loving and while others may not see the loving side, I surely do.”
2. What’s your greatest quality?
“I got this one, baby.”
“I come with a lot of qualities, but my best one I’d have to say is… making this one right here happy and loving her more each day than I did the last.”
“Awww, baby.”
3. What is it like to be loved by you?
“Nah, baby. I want to hear your answer for this one.”
“A’ight. I’on play about her, so I’m catering to every one of her needs and protecting her against anyone trying to fuck with her.”
“That’s right, baby. And for the record, I ain’t playing about him, so tread lightly.”
4. List 5 facts about yourself or your partner:
“Five facts about Malaysia… because talking about me ain’t the move, cool. She’s the best dancer I’ve ever encountered. She’s originally from Detroit. She’s mad likeable but not a people person. Her favorite color is purple, and she is fucking dope all the way around.”
5. What’s the vibe for your story?
“I’d have to say the vibe of my and Dane’s story would have to be ‘A Song For You’ by Donny Hathaway. Our relationship wasn’t all glitz and glam. We went through some shit to get here, but we never gave up. This is true love.”
1. What can we expect from you?
Shakil speaking:
a. As the realest nigga in the book, you can expect to see a lot of great sex scenes. One thing about me, I’m going to get my nut. You can also expect to see me grow as a man. I started out a PIMP, but as you’ll see, I grow into a real KING.
2. What’s your greatest quality?
Shakil speaking:
a. My greatest quality is my charm. I have a very smooth way of approaching people to the point they can’t get enough of me.
3. What is it like to be loved by you?
Shakil speaking:
a. To be loved by me is intense. I strive to please my woman not only sexually, but mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially. I am attentive. I know what my woman likes and what she dislikes. I know what her triggers are and what makes her happy.
4. List 5 facts about A’dore:
Shakil speaking:
a. Her beauty captivated me from the very beginning.
b. She’s an amazing cook.
c. She loves those corny romance movies.
d. She’s the perfect mother.
e. She’s stubborn as hell.
5. What’s the vibe for your story?
Shakil speaking:
a. Make It To Me x Sam Smith